Hellllooooo, Black Artist’s Path community! I hope you’re all settling back down to Earth after our recent reunion. It was so incredible to see all of you come together, supporting one another on this fulfilling journey.
Week two is a bit intense, coming in just shy of 150 pages, so if you’re like me and prefer a little something to listen to while you read, I’ve created a playlist called "Special Ambience" that might be just what you need. Click on the link and let yourself be transported to some of my favorite imagined destinations, like:
the roman baths:
Bask and soak in the baths stand as you soak up new ideas as your surroundings create space to nourished both the body and spirit.
a crystal river:
A crystal river flows with mesmerizing clarity with sparkling waters under the sun, offering a tranquil path for reflection and serenity.
a secret garden:
Fast-forward to spring and the sounds of soft piano while you walk with me down a path of roses and lilacs that illuminate your creative flow and take you to a happy place.
an enchanted forest:
Let’s reside high among the tree-tops and fall asleep to the sound of crickets.
a tropical suite:
Welcome to your villa, fully stocked with a gorgeous and expensive mini bar, a private pool, a fireplace, and—is that a waterfall?
a crackling fire in the living room:
Sometimes it’s just nice being snowed in with the folks, watching the fluffy little snowflakes fly across the windowpane, and read a nice book. Take this time to thank your ancestors for life. Today was a good day.
after the pool party:
The folx all left, it’s just you here. Dip your toes in while we think about all the fun you just had.
the greenhouse library:
An outdoor study space all your own, teeming with color.
a nice white lady plays the harp for you for a whole hour:
yup. Sit back and relax, Sarah’s got it from here. Just read your book, chill, take your bath, do your exercises, pop that inner dialogue—and leave the entertainment to her.
an autumn dockside escape:
With the sounds of soft piano and a gentle breeze blowing the leaves your way, please enjoy this beautiful getaway by the water.
a fall thunderstorm:
It’s raining out there, but by this wood stove and in this chair, we are nice and comfy and warm.
I could do like 9,000,000 more of these, just check out the playlist, but if you like this and want more or have a request for something I should find, just go ahead and comment. And while you’re at it—comment how things are going as you embark on A Black Artist’s Path: Week Two.